Would you like to your house be dryer, healthy and more beautiful without mould and flug?
Call me now and I take the solution for You! If you write an e-mail or let a messege for me
I reply as soon as we can!
Often occurrent and returning problem the older house's wall starts wetting, slopping, the flug and the mouldappear, what with our wall-drying technics could end.With time this just increases and maybe the bonding get damaged too. By this the building's static attribute maybe get risk.
The mould-mushrooms presence is very unhealthy, and the wet walls convection get high theheating check get high too. On the walls appear mould and nitrous-stain arouse the feeling of neglect, and the awkward and unhealthy flug follows everywhere who lives in these house.But there is an eternal solutionwithout wall-demolition és any drasticinterference what's aplly to after a technical appraisal for some hours.
Our 20th year jubliee has 20% discount for AQUAPOL wall-drying!
The wetting get stoped, the walls full drying, without dust, noise, mess with 20 years guarantee!
Do you know better then that?